The People Behind Versace’s Show | Vogue

Don’t be surprised if you see Gigi Hadid walking around in a black bondage dress soon—backstage at Versace, the model told Vogue that she was so into her runway look, she never wanted to take it off.

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The People Behind Versace’s Show | Vogue

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Here’s Why You Should Not Sell “Seated Massage” When Marketing Onsite Services

The number of massage therapists exploring corporate seated massage contracts as a source of income is growing. From personal experience, I can say that corporate massage can be very profitable—but don’t expect fast, easy money. The process of marketing seated massage to corporations is not without a great number of obstacles and pitfalls. With the

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Tropical Topical: The Many Benefits of Coconut Oil for Massage

For versatility, it’s hard to beat coconut oil. While cooks use it in a variety of recipes, many health and fitness professionals promote it as having beneficial properties that range from reducing cholesterol, promoting weight loss and alleviating inflammation to improving brain function, killing bacteria and relieving sore muscles. Although some skeptics in the scientific

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6 BEST Legs & Glutes STRETCHES (Complete LOWER BODY Stretch)

6 BEST Legs & Glutes STRETCHES (Complete LOWER BODY Stretch)
Best glutes and legs workout can be found in our MAX/Shred program

We’ve been getting lots of requests for a routine with legs stretches and glutes stretches to help you with how to get flexible legs and relieve pain. Today we’re giving you the ideal lower body stretch to loosen up tight glutes. We’ll also teach you how to foam roll. Let’s get started on this lower body stretch.

The first of the legs stretches we’re going to show you is foam rolling, and in fact, you can use the foam roller on your entire low body to break up knots in your tight legs and glutes. This foam rolling routine is one you can do every day. But when it comes to glute stretches some people really overdo the foam rolling. Incorporate it into your stretching routine but don’t beat your body up.

We’ve also included some instruction on how to stretch your legs. This leg stretching routine contains the best stretches for legs and will also give you a great glute stretch in the process.

With each of the moves in this lower body stretch, you can hold them for about 30 seconds. As you build a stretching routine you may find that there are some moves you want to hold for a bit longer in your leg stretching routine for increased flexibility.

Here is a list of the legs and glutes stretches we cover in this lower body stretch:

2) Thread the Needle
3) Dynamic Standing Leg Cradle
4) Rear Foot Elevated Quad Stretch
5) Dynamic Standing Quad Stretch
6) Pulsing Band Stretch
7) 1 Leg Bird Stretch

For all the best stretching routines for lower body, legs and glutes, subscribe to our YouTube channel

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Grow Your Glutes Without Weights (IS IT POSSIBLE?)

Grow Your Glutes Without Weights (IS IT POSSIBLE?)
Learn how to grow your glutes with our MAX/Shred program

Is it possible to grow glutes without weights? Is your no equipment glute workout doing you any good? Are bodyweight exercises enough to get a bigger booty if you’ve already been lifting for a while? We answer all these questions and give you a short home butt workout to try, depending on what type of exerciser you are.

If you want to know how to get a bigger booty, you’re probably wondering whether it’s really possible to build glutes with bodyweight exercises. There are lots of bodyweight glute exercises out there, including on our YouTube channel. So the question is, can you grow glutes without weights?

Well, it is possible to grow your glutes with a home butt workout if you are one of two types of exercisers. A beginner can easily grow glutes with only bodyweight exercises and in fact, that’s the recommended way for a beginner to start on their journey to a bigger booty. You can grow your booty with bodyweight if you are just starting out and haven’t built a lot of mass in the glutes yet. Also if you are intermediate, recovering from an injury or some time away from training you will be able to build glutes with a bodyweight glute workout as well.

There is, however one group of people for whom a home butt workout without equipment or with bodyweight might not help them build glutes, and that’s for women who’ve been lifting with heavier weights already to build your glutes. You will need to continue to increase your weight to grow your booty further and bodyweight exercises may not give the desired results.

If you’re looking for the best butt workout at home, subscribe to our YouTube channel

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